Student Information (Luyengo Campus)
Welcome to UNESWA. You have chosen to study at Luyengo campus, the oldest of the three campuses that make up UNESWA. Luyengo campus offers programmes in Agriculture and Consumer Sciences. We hope your stay on Campus will be very enjoyable and comfortable.
The Department is made up of a team of officers who are always available to offer you assistance in case of need, generally, and in enhancing your effort to “….be bound by and to observe Arrangements and Regulations for Student Discipline….” (Student information 1.33), an agreement you made at acceptance of admission to UNISWA. Below is a directory of the student welfare services and their representatives:
- F Mnisi (Campus Nurses) – Located at the Ludvonga Warden’s flat
After hours contact them through the Wardens.
- Provision of basic treatment for general illness and minor injuries.
- Family planning services for those who may want contraceptives.
- Antenatal care for pregnant students.
- Counseling services and
- Referral – where there is need for further treatment at a larger or specialty hospital and or to Uniswa Campus Doctor.
The Campus Nurse will be in attendance at the clinic during the following hours only. On weekends and off days the clinic is closed.
Morning 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
No call after 5:00 p.m. except emergency cases.
- Emergency cases requiring hospital treatment must be reported immediately to the nurse (during working hours)or to the warden whenever the nurse is off duty, so that transport can be arranged and the necessary written request for hospital treatment be
- This form has to be completed by the hospital authorities and handed to the student who, in turn, must hand it over to the Nurse or Warden. Please note that the University is not responsible for payment for specialized treatment or in-patient costs.
- Please note that the University is not responsible for payment of specialized treatment or in-patient costs
- The University shall be responsible for the general out patient
- D.M. Vilakati (Warden):- The Warden’s office on the first floor in the Students Union Hall office number N9 during working hours; and at house No. LB 05 after hours.
- Wardens are responsible for your stay in the Halls Residence. There are ten (11) such residences to which you will be allocated ON-CAMPUS residence according to availability of space.
- The following pieces of furniture are provided in the study bedrooms and should not be removed without the permission of the warden:–
- Chair(s)and Study desk(s)
- Mirror
- Single bed(s)
- Bookshelf(s)
- Wardrobe(s)
The following items will be assigned to you when you register for On-Campus residence
- 1 Mattress
- 1 Waste paper basket
- 1 candle stand/holder
Candles will always be provided when needs arise
- All residents are advised to complete the room inventory form and have it returned to the Warden’s office within 24 hours after receiving it. We also welcome comments about the room condition particularly if there is anything that needs to be repaired immediately.
- Residents are advised not to mount pictures on the on the wall(s) particularly with the use of bostik paste because it destroys the painting.
2.2 KEYS
- The warden endeavors to operate a very secure room locking system.
- Duplicates of the keys are to be secured from the wardens.
- Therefore, you are not allowed to make duplicates of the keys should you loose them.
When requiring a new bulb, take the burnt one out to the warden OR Emergency Security Office who will issue another one.
Mrs F.S. Gumede (Assistant Dean Of Student Affairs):- She is located on the first floor of the Student Union Hall office number N8. Not available after hours.
Mrs. Gumede is your confidante in matters related to your personal life that touch on your academic life. She has to be kept informed about anything that will make Your stay and studying on campus to be difficult. Such issues include:-
- General student information
- University procedures
- Channels of communication
- University rules and regulations
- Student advocacy
- Student representative council
- Immigration procedure for foreign students
- Transport Services
- R.C. Clubs and Societies
- Community Development
- If you need such a service after working hours, the Warden can assist you.
All students are issued with I.D. at the beginning of the academic year free of charge. In case you loose one you can get a replacement at a cost.
It is an offence to:-
- Engage in an act of violence or intimidation to towards any other person.
- Cause any damage to any property on the University Campus.
- Bring alcohol, illegal drugs or any other intoxicating substances into the University premises.
- Engage in any conduct which interferes with the performance of duties by any member of staff.
- Not to take legitimate order from persons vested by the University with authority.
- Have non- residence people on Campus between 10:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m.
- Keep fire arms or any other weapon in the University premises.
- Enter into any student study bedroom without authority using a duplicate key.
- Play music very loud at any time
- Willfully break the University property.
- Remove University property/ furniture from any room, offices, halls or library to use without permission of the relevant authorized officer.
- Cook food in the study bed room.
This is located in the student Union Hall. It stocks a large variety of basic foods stuffs as well as phone cards.
Mrs. T. Mamba- Student Counselor
Ms. W. Vilakati- Secretary
4.1 Counseling Services actively promotes the personal, social, emotional, career and cognitive growth of students. This service is provided through individual counseling, psycho-education, consultation, and referral. Our staff works closely with student peer mentors, faculty members, student affairs administrators, public safety officers, health care services providers, housing staff, and sometimes the families of University of Eswatini students. Special attention is paid to the ongoing issues affecting university students today, such as sexual assault and substance abuse awareness and prevention. Another important focus is on the awareness of social and cultural differences among the UNESWA community.
Counseling Services employs psychologists and professional counsellors, to help
students in resolving personal problems, managing mental illness, and coping with the stress that is a part of university life.
If you find yourself facing any of the challenges below:
- Relationship break-up
- Family conflict
- Loss of a loved one
- Divorce
- Feeling lonely
- Academic pressure or failure
- Serious illness or injury of self or others
- Difficulty adjusting to university
- Homesickness
- Not fitting in with peers
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Religious conflicts
- Sexual or physical abuse or assault
- Identity confusion
- Depression
- Drug/alcohol abuse
- Career indecision
- Loss of goal or dream
- Occupational setback
- Body image issues
- Coming out issues
- Help with Special Needs
- Register for an appointment with the Secretary, Ms. W. Vilakati to see Mrs T. P Mamba ( Student Counsellor).
(Empowered by the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act of 2018)
The University is committed to providing a safe environment for all students and staff and thus strives to foster an environment free from sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is any form of unwanted sexual attention, and can include physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct e.g.
- Unwanted physical contact, ranging from touching to sexual assault or rape.
- Unwanted sexual suggestion advances or comments.
- Pressure for dates.
- Verbal insult or abuse of sexual nature.
Mrs. N. Motsa (House Keeping Supervisor):– She is found in office number N11. first floor in the Student Union Hall. Not available after hours
- A thorough cleaning is done once a month by the cleaning staff in attendance in every block/hall. At all other times students are expected to clean their own rooms.
- The cleaning supervisor will provide you with some cleaning material(s) at the beginning of the semester. At the end of the academic year the empty containers plus other items, all placed in the pocket provided, must be returned to the appropriate storeroom The supplied cleaning material include the following:-
- Floor polish
- Floor cloth
- Dustpan
- Floor hand brush
- Handy Andy
- General purpose soap
- During weekdays, broom(s), mop(s), bucket(s), and scrubbing brush (es) can be are obtained from the cleaning staff. On weekends they are obtainable from the Hostel representatives.
Since these facilities are for use by all residents in that hall, safety in their use may be ensured by:
- Using beach tongs (floppy shoes) when taking a shower to prevent fungal infection.
- Using the hand basins strictly for washing self and fatty kitchen utensils. The basins get clogged if used otherwise. No solid waste should go into the washing basins and shower drains.
- Cleaning up after yourself after each use of the facility, particularly the toilet(s).
- Reporting the unsavoury condition of this facility as soon as it is discovered.
- Temporarily suspended
- On your arrival, the wardens will recommend that you be supplied, by the laundry staff, ONLY the following items of bedding:
- 3 Top sheets,
- 2 Pillow cases;
- 1 Pillow
- Requests to see the cleaning supervisor must directed through the Full time Warden.
Mr. R. Gule (Senior Security Officer):-Offices attached to the Harambee Halls of Residence during working hours. After hours you can contact him through any of the security officers.
The University has provided security guards who patrol around the halls of residence 24 hours, 7days a week. This is to ensure that your stay on campus is safe. However there are times when these officers may not be there to provide security at the time you need them. Residents are, therefore, given the following crime prevention tips:-
- Never leave your room unlocked or hand your room to any unauthorized person.
- All the valuables must be kept securely in places known by you alone.
- Electronic appliances including cell phones must not be put near the window where they can be easily reached from outside the room.
- Washed clothes must not be left on the laundry line overnight.
- Do not leave personal belongings such as bags, books, clothing or other such items unattended.
- When moving around Campus, especially at night, keep to well lighted walkways.
- Be aware of your surrounding and be on the lookout for opportunist thieves who may snatch watches, cell phone and bags. Avoid narrow quiet passageways.
- Report any suspicious activity to Security immediately
Report immediately to the nearest security officer any security related problem.
If you can’t locate any security officer nearby, you can report to any of the above named officers who will then call the security officer at the main gate.
Complaints regarding security must be directed to the Senior Security Officer
Mr. Gama (Clerk of Works):- The office between Cardiff Hall and Lecture Room 1. Not available after hours.
- All repair requests are to be reported to the Warden for action. The Clerk of Works will not attend to your verbal maintenance request unless you have submitted a stamped maintenance requisition form obtainable from the warden.
- Report to the Warden if there is anything that needs to be repaired in the room.
- The warden will give you a stamped maintenance requisition form which you will take it to the Clerk of Work’s office.
- If nothing has been done on the request make a follow up through the Warden’s office as soon as possible.
- For any repair to be done in the room, make sure you state the time you will be available in the room or roommates will be available..
- In case the power fails and you do not have a candle you are advised to collect it from the tuck shop.
Cleanliness is a virtue. Your campus is a beautiful one because we do appreciate an unpolluted environment and thus provide the service to maintain that cleanliness.
- Student welfare office has provided benches for your use as places to sit and enjoy fresh air, and not as places to leave your litter.
- Dustbins are provided for that purpose. USE THEM.
The Students Representative Council (Campus Government) is a body representing the interests of students at campus level. It consists of nine members who are elected in August/September each year. The Campus Government represent students on many bodies including, Student Welfare Committee, Faculty Board etc.
- The Campus Government office is located up stairs of the Student Union Building. Its main function is to co-ordinate the administration and function of student bodies and their activities on campus.
- All decision concerning the activities and affairs of the Campus Government and its subordinate structures are made in consultation the various portfolio-holders.
Many clubs and societies operate under the auspices of the Campus Government. Some of these are: SOCIAL/ACADEMIC/SPORTS/RELIGIOUS CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. Students are encouraged to join at least one of these.
Ms Z, Khathwane (Domestic Bursar) – The office is inside the Kitchen Building.
Mrs. R. Xaba (Assistant Dom. Bursar) – The Office is also inside the Kitchen Building.
Mr M Simelane (Assistant Dom. Bursar) – The Office is also inside the Kitchen Building.
Food is available in kitchen from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. seven days a week including public holidays.
9.2 MENU
This is displayed on the Bulletin Board at the refectory entrance.
This can be arranged through the Domestic Bursar.
Team leaders (Class reps, Chairpersons of the various clubs) can make an arrangement with Domestic Bursar at least 48 hours before the departure date if they need packed lunch.
Must be directed to the Domestic Bursar through the Director For Health.
- The kitchen area is out of bound.
- Students shall not interfere with the kitchen staff. Any complaint must be directed to director for health.
- Drunk students will not be allowed into the refectory.
- Hats or caps must be removed in the Refectory (BOTH MALE FEMALE STUDENTS)
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Student Services
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Student Websites
Click here for information and links to website ran by student bodies and societies.
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