University of Eswatini / Mature Age Entry Scheme
The Mature age entry admission is another alternative route of gaining your intended qualifications. For one to qualify for consideration through this route, they should have these attributes:
(a) They should be 22 years or older on the first day of the University academic year in which admission is sought;
(b) The person should have completed the Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE/IGCSE) or any other equivalent qualification with at least four (4) passes;
(c) A person who has previously been admitted to study at the University for a certain programme and did not pass it, may not be admitted through this route for that programme which they did not pass;
(d) A person who satisfies conditions (a) to (c) above will be required to sit a Special Entrance examination which will consist of a general paper and a special paper in the wished-for field of study;
(i) For a person applying for Commerce related programmes, the special paper will be a combination of Business Mathematics, Accounting and Business Studies.
(ii) For a person applying for Science related programmes, the special paper will be a combination of Science and Mathematics.
(iii) For a person applying for all other programmes that are not commerce or science related, the special paper will be the Aptitude Test.
(iv) Each special paper will cost E150.00.
(e) A person who passes all the examinations and meets other requirements will be recommended to the Admissions Committee intended programme(s).
Examination Set Up
The general paper which is an English paper is written by all candidates.
A candidate applying for Commerce-related programmes will be expected to write a Commerce special paper; The Commerce-related programmes are:
- Bachelor of Commerce (Full-time)
- Bachelor of Commerce (IDE)
- B. Ed. Secondary (Business Education)
- B. Ed. Secondary (Commerce) – IDE
A candidate applying for Science-related programmes will be expected to write a Science special paper; The Science-related programmes are:
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Education
- B.Sc. in Agronomy
- B.Sc. in Animal Science
- B.Sc. in Animal Science (Dairy)
- B.Sc. in Food Science, Nutrition & Technology
- B.Sc. in Consumer Science
- B.Sc. in Consumer Science Education
- B.Sc. in Horticulture
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Extension
- B.Sc. in Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
- B.Sc. in Textile and Apparel Design & Management
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health & Food Science
- B. Sc. in Environmental Management & Occupational Safety & Health
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management & Water Resources
- Bachelor of Nursing Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic)
- Bachelor of Science
- B. Ed. Primary (Science)
- B. Ed. Secondary (Science)
A candidate applying for any of the following programmes will be expected to write the Aptitude Test;
- Certificate in Adult Education
- Diploma in Adult Education
- Diploma in Law
- B. Ed. Primary(Language Arts)
- B. Ed. Secondary (Humanities)
- B. Ed. Primary (Social Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (Full-time)
- Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (IDE)
- B. Ed. Adult Education – IDE
- B. Ed. Primary – IDE
- B. Ed. Secondary – IDE
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) — IDE
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication
The University will consider candidate on the recommendation of the Mature Age Entry Committee.
Contact Us
More information about the Mature Age Entry can be obtained from the Admissions Office.
The Admissions Office
University of Ewsatini
Private Bag 4, Kwaluseni