On Friday night (15 January, 2021), one of the Servers that authenticates users (control login) to the various university systems i.e. Moodle, Email, Wi-Fi suffered a major hardware breakdown. This resulted in users not being able to login to the various systems. The authentication server has been replaced, but this has resulted in Kwaluseni Campus users (including IDE students) needing to have their passwords reset.
If you are Loggin into Email or Moodle for the first time since Friday, 15 January 2021 and you are a Staff member or Student based at the Kwaluseni Campus (including IDE students), your password has been reset to Uneswaddmmyyyy, where ddmmyyyy is your date of birth in the form 2 digit day, 2 digit month and 4 digit year. You need to change the password by going to the link Change Password.