University of Eswatini / Eswatini Institute for Research in Traditional Medicine, Medicinal and Indigenous Food Plants

In 1998, the University of Eswatini (then University of Swaziland), established the Centre for Research in medicinal and indigenous food plants with a mandate to conduct multidisciplinary research in traditional medicine and indigenous plants used as food and medicine in Eswatini. The establishment of the Centre was in response to the research gap in these subject areas.  Among the key issues highlighted at establishment, was the collaboration between traditional health practitioners and scientists in order to bring an awareness of the potential that exists within this domain.  Conducting research in indigenous medicinal and food plants can lead to the development of products that can address our health and nutritional needs and contribute to economic growth. Many years later, the Centre has evolved into a Research Institute and has grown to contribute to the University’s research output as well as being involved in many community research dissemination programmes.  Today, the Institute has focused research in broadly four categories all of which are within the indigenous knowledge systems sphere; isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plants, domestication and cultivation of indigenous plants, documentation and conservation of plant biodiversity and development of value-added products from indigenous foods and food plants.


In line with the University of Eswatini’s re-packaged strategy for the period 2018-22, EIRMIP, as the Institute is refereed to, has also aligned its activities to produce commercial products and partners with relevant industry to provide research services. This is aimed at responding to national needs and well as create that needed link between industry and the University. With the recent establishment of the Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP), especially its Biotechnology Park, EIRMIP has upscaled its research for development (R&D). In partnership with RSTP, EIRMIP is embarking on pilot value-addition projects in order to meaningfully contribute to the country’s bio-economy.  


Research Institute of Choice in Africa on Traditional Medicine, Medicinal and Indigenous Food Plants


To be responsive to national and international needs through excellence in relevant research and innovation on traditional medicine, indigenous medicinal and food plants. The Institute seeks to serve as Eswatini’s leading institution for the design, coordination and execution of multidisciplinary research in traditional medicine, medicinal and indigenous wild edible plants. It strives to combine the expertise of scientists and Traditional Health Practitioners (THPs), with a view to producing plant-derived pharmaceuticals and to promote the use of traditional medicine in national health care. It also seeks to raise general awareness regarding the nutritional value of under-utilized indigenous edible plants.

The objectives of the Institute are to:

  1. conduct ethnobotanical surveys for indigenous non-cultivated fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants in order to establish and maintain a database;
  2. document available Bio-resources and their technological exploitation;
  3. Establish a gene bank for under-utilised indigenous fruits and vegetables which could be used to broaden the food base;
  4. propagate food and medicinal plants in order to conserve biological diversity;
  5. conduct bioassays of medicinal and indigenous food plants with the aim of isolating and identifying bioactive compounds from plants;
  6. develop isolated compounds into new drugs for the treatment of diseases;
  7. provide a forum for the meeting of researchers on medicinal and food plants with nutritionists and traditional health practitioners (THPs) in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect;
  8. ensure that the research conducted in the Institute contributes towards food security and improved healthcare for the Eswatini nation and beyond, thus leading to economic development; and
  9. work towards making traditional medicine a safe and acceptable alternative system of health care.

The Institute conducts multidisciplinary research in different fields of the natural sciences through a dedicated team of researchers. We also work with both undergraduate and postgraduate students who are interested in research undertaken within the Institute, in collaboration with the relevant departments or institutions (internally and externally). Currently the research focus is on the specialized areas outlined by the diagram below.


 Food Science

The food science unit conducts research on indigenous foods and food plants to establish knowledge on their chemical and nutritional value. This knowledge will lead to new product development, value addition and increased consumption of indigenous foods. These efforts will broaden the national food base and hence food and nutrition security.



The aim of the Pharmacognosy unit in the Institute is to determine the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources. This process will ultimately inform the development of pharmaceutical products from plants or traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases, especially infectious diseases. The unit also formulates herbal medicinal and cosmetic products based on Eswatini’s indigenous knowledge.



 The phytochemistry unit deals with qualitative and quantitative analysis of plant secondary metabolites/phytochemicals with a view of establishing chemical structures of biologically active compounds. It employs a number of phytochemical techniques such as; extraction and isolation using various chromatographic techniques, as well as structure identification/elucidation using spectroscopic techniques.


Plant Bioconservation

 This unit is responsible for the development of optimized technologies for domestication and cultivation of identified indigenous plants, for medicine and food, as a means to conserve them thus, ensuring their sustainability and the continuous supply of good quality plant material. This is achieved through plant propagation using conventional methods and plant biotechnology techniques, and also optimising cultivation practices (e.g. time of planting, irrigation, fertilisation etc.) for their growth and development. The ultimate goal is to have indigenous food and medicinal plants cultivated to sustainably meet their market demand, as opposed to their overexploitation on their natural occurring stands.


Plant Systematics

 The Plant systematics unit seeks to foster the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources in the country. This goal is pursued through conducting multifaceted research on the indigenous medicinal and food plants of Swaziland. The main research areas include biogeography / phytogeography, conservation ecology, ethnobotany, population biology and systematics.

The Institute collaborates with both local and external partners. We have several links with external universities which enable us to conduct collaborative research.

  1.  Sibandze G.F.  – Director

B.Sc. (UNESWA), B.Sc. (Hons.) (UP, RSA), M.Sc. Med. (Wits, RSA), Ph.D (UCL, UK)

Office & Contacts:


Private Bag 4 Kwaluseni



Tel: (+268) 2817 0193

Fax: (+268) 2517 0001



2. Vilane V.S. – Research Fellow

MSc. Medicinal Chemistry (UNESWA), Masters in Intellectual Property (AU/WIPO), BSc. (UNESWA)

Office & Contacts:

Office #12 New Academic Staff Offices

Private Bag 4 Kwaluseni



Tel: (+268) 2817 0186


3. Kunene E.N. – Research Fellow

MSc. Hort. (UNESWA), BSc. Agric. (Hort) (UNESWA), Dip. Agric. (UNESWA)

Office & Contacts:

Office 2, Academic Staff Offices, Block B

Private Bag 4 Kwaluseni



Tel: (+268) 2817 0409



4. Dludlu M.N. – Research Fellow

Ph.D. (Botany), M.Sc. B.Sc. (Hons.): University of Cape Town, South Africa

B.Sc.  (Biological Sciences and Chemistry): University of Eswatini, Eswatini

Office & Contacts:

Office 3, Academic Staff Offices, Block B

Private Bag 4 Kwaluseni



Tel: (+268) 2817 0410

Fax: (+268) 2517 0001



5. Ngwenya M.P. – Research Assistant

B.Sc. in Food Science, Nutrition and Technology (UNESWA), (2011)

Currently pursuing MSc. in Food Science and Technology (UNESWA)

Office & Contact:

Office 2, New Office Block

Private Bag 4 Kwaluseni



Tel: (+268) 2517 0409

Fax: (+268) 2517 0001


Eswatini Institute for Research in Traditional Medicine, Medicinal and Indigenous Food Plants

Private Bag 4




Tel: (+268) 2518 6816 / 2517 0189,

Fax: (+268) 2517 0001



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